How Safe Is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth?
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a sand in nature composed of the fossilized remains of diatoms, one-celled algae. The main substance in DE is a chemical compound called silica.
Diatomaceous earth can be used in various fields for variety of purposes. It is used in architecture as filler in paints and cement. It is also commonly used in agricultural and food industries as an anti-caking agent and filtering. It is a common ingredient in insecticides and can equally be used as a treatment for pets.
There are claims of several health benefits of food grade diatomaceous earth as it has recently appeared as a dietary supplement in the market. On the other hand, the food grade diatomaceous earth dangers have also raised alarm for concern. This article has therefore detailed the effects of food grade diatomaceous earth on the body.
The Truth Behind Eating Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
The food grade diatomaceous earth is used as a filter aid in the processing of foods, and for this reason, it is marked as 'Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)' by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when it is ingested into the body. When you eat diatomaceous earth, it passes through the digestive system unchanged. This means that it is safe to consume. Moreover, over the years, there has been no report of any toxic reactions from ingesting diatomaceous earth. When you eat diatomaceous earth, it passes through the digestive system basically unchanged.
When taking diatomaceous earth orally as a dietary supplement, it is important to keep in mind that the so called health benefits of eating diatomaceous earth have no strong scientific backup. As there are not enough human studies on diatomaceous earth's use as a supplement, the claims are still perceived as a theory.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is advisable not to ingest diatomaceous earth for any reason, just to keep the baby on a safe side. Remember, that diatomaceous earth is a substance used for pesticides and rationally, nobody would want to risk substance with unverified health benefits on babies. Hence, food grade diatomaceous earth dangers are better avoided.
Diatomaceous Earth Side Effects When Inhaled
The Inhalation of diatomaceous earth can cause a lot of side effects to humans. These side effects involve the irritation of the nose and the nasal passages. Other temporary effects include, breathing difficulties, coughing, sneezing and irritation of the throat especially when large amount of diatomaceous earth is inhaled. These effects are expected to improve once the exposure is stopped. Always make sure to protect yourself from inhaling any diatomaceous earth product while using it. There is equally a possibility that children may be more sensitive to the inhalation effects of diatomaceous earth, though there are no research data yet to prove this.
There is also a possible risk of lung disease when diatomaceous earth is inhaled. This results from heating diatomaceous earth at a high temperature. Once heated, crystalline silica is formed and this is responsible for causing lung diseases. This effect manifests after years of exposure and inhaling diatomaceous earth in large amounts. Therefore, just casually making contact with diatomaceous earth may not really be considered hazardous. Rather, it is an occupational hazard likely to be experienced by workers who are exposed on daily basis to crystalline silica for many years. These tiny crystals can accumulate on the walls of the lungs leading to irritations and possible oxygen restriction to the body.
Exposing The Skin to Diatomaceous Earth and The Dangers
There are claims that diatomaceous earth has skin care benefits such as wrinkle free skin, natural detoxifier, keeping long and strong finger nails, maintaining long shiny hair and more. Where some people might say it worked for them, there is still lack of scientific evidence to support the claims. Until there is concrete scientific research on the skin care benefits of diatomaceous earth, there is no guarantee for positive results.
Furthermore, direct contact of the skin with diatomaceous earth can lead to skin irritation and dryness. Due to its coarse nature and silica content, diatomaceous earth can also cause irritation of the eyes. As it is known that silica in dust forms can cause irritation to the eyes, a protective clothing is advised when exposing yourself to a large amount of diatomaceous earth.
Know What is Safe
There is nothing as important as staying safe from the dangers of unresearched substances. This article has detailed the information on diatomaceous earth, which you now know. Bear in mind that food grade diatomaceous earth dangers can never be overemphasized because of the lack of adequate scientific study. Many other articles may assure you health benefits, but just know what is safe.
For further information about the diatomaceous earth, click on the link below for a video description.
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