Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite
Cellulite is formally defined as "the persistent subcutaneous pockets of fat that cause bumps or lumps on women's skin.” But you know what it looks like! Why are women thinking about how to get rid of cellulite? The fact is, men are concerned about this condition, too. Some dermatologists say cellulite is formed because of poor blood and lymphatic fluid circulation. When the circulation is low, those fluids ooze out to combine with fat cells. This, in turn, makes your skin engorged due to uneven distribution of fat around the dermis. Hips, thighs, butts, and arms are the most affected areas. Additionally, as one ages and certain hormones which tighten and nourish the skin diminish, cellulite becomes more pronounced.
Most Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite
Fat accumulation is blamed as the major cause of cellulite. Body workouts are needed to burn excess fat and improve blood circulation. Below are some of the vital workouts.
- Cardio exercise
Cardio exercises like cycling, swimming, running, climbing stairs, and hill climbing put many muscles into action, which increases calorie burning and elevates metabolism. Burning more calories means your fat levels will drop. These aerobic exercises are needed to reduce fat accumulation which is the main cause of cellulite. These result in weight loss.
- Lunges
This exercise is geared toward building lean muscle and toning your body. The aim here is to increase the number of muscles, which is essential if you are wondering about how to get rid of cellulite.
To do the lunge, follow these steps:
Put one leg forward by taking one big step forward. Bend both legs at the knees to 90 degrees. At that position, be sure your chest is straight and both your abdomen and hamstring muscles are contracted. Hold that position for 5 seconds then return to the standing position. Repeat the exercise a maximum of 12 repetitions for each foot.
- Squats
Since cellulite mostly strikes the hips and buttocks, squats are the best exercise to correct the situation. Squats engage most abdominal, quadriceps, and gluteal muscles (the tummy, thighs, and butt), thus strengthening them. With squats, more fat will be burned due to the increase in metabolically active tissues. This cardiovascular exercise burns a great number of calories.
Follow these steps to do good squats:
Stand straight with feet about shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in both hands. Bend your knees, going to lower than a 90-degree angle. As you bend your knees, keep your back straight, push your hips back and downwards. Be sure to contract your gluteal and abdominal muscles. Remain in that position for 5 seconds, then stand up and repeat it again for 12 reps.
- Step-ups
If you are worried about how to get rid of cellulite on your butt, step-ups are another great exercise for that. They vigorously engage thighs, legs, and buttocks. As they help develop more lean flesh, cellulite will more likely disappear.
The procedure is simple: just get a stepping bench or a fitness step. Practice stepping up and down 20 times, leading with the same leg, before turning to the other leg.
Further Tips for Cellulite
Getting rid of cellulite is not a simple task. You must be willing to commit yourself to the endeavor and work towards your goal. Exercise is the main part of this endeavor, but there are some other treatment methods that will help.
- Lifestyle change
Lifestyle change, including healthy eating, is vital. You need to drink enough water to help in metabolism and skin elasticity. The kinds of foods to focus on should be high in antioxidants and nutrients that boost collagen production. You need to incorporate vitamin C, E, and B3 which support skin cell regeneration and collagen production. This will improve skin elasticity. Look for oranges, red peppers, kale, spinach, avocado, and some other fruits.
- Massage
The massage option in cellulite treatment rests on the idea that it increases blood circulation, breaks down connective tissues, and counters the build-up of fluid and fat.
If you are especially concerned with how to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks, consider a mechanical massage known as lipo-massage, which features two rollers which spin over one area of concern. This helps to break up connective tissues which cause bumps and dimples.
- Topical products
Certain creams can be applied to the skin to tighten it. There are a number of topical products in the market today. They contain certain chemicals, such as caffeine, theophylline, aminophylline, some vitamins, herbal extracts, and minerals.
Such a product does help, but used by itself, it has minimal effect. Would you skip them since they contribute so little? If you use these lotions and creams along with these other methods for cellulite reduction, they will definitely yield some good results, though they will take longer (about six months).
- Medical treatments
Lastly, you can opt to go the medical route. Remember, the careful professional advice is vital! A doctor might decide to administer injections like aminophylline, hormones, phosphatidylcholine, herbal extract, or vitamins right into the dermis layer of your skin. They help in breaking up and getting rid of fats. Others might decide to use liposuction. This procedure removes fat from buttocks, thighs, or abdomen by sucking the fat out. Again, medical treatments must come along with legitimate professional advice.
Maintaining a fit body is a challenging task. Getting rid of cellulite can be demanding, but perfect results are possible. If you follow professional advice carefully and these reference guidelines, you can be assured of excellent results. You can regain that tight skin if you are ready to do all it takes.
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